A set of timelapse photographs from Hansbreen morain on Fuglebergsletta to Hansvika. The folder names are the year (YYYY), and the month (YYYYMM). The pictures' name is data with hours of capture (YYYYMMDD_HHMM_......). The text files (if exist) include the names of all taking pictures. Pictures with clouds, fogs, dark, moisten, overexposed, etc. were deleted. Camera position (UTM): X , Y , Z , 33X Data responsibility; source; finance support: - 2015.05-2015.10: Moskalik M., Wojtysiak K.; OPUS 2013/09/B/ST10/04141; National Science Centre Poland - 2018.07-2019.06: Wojtysiak K., Moskalik M.; Arctic Field Grant;